Thursday, June 28, 2012

Gov. Romney continues his incoherence

I just saw Governor Romney's statement about the Supreme Court upholding the ACA which is virtually identical to Massachusetts health care design implemented under Governor Romney.  He blasted the ACA and then said any replacement would have incorporate most of the features of the ACA except the individual mandate.  But how will he prevent cherry picking by the suddenly sick without health insurance and cover pre-existing conditions?  This is not the 1st time, Governor Romney has obfuscated what he stands for.  See the following.

Thanks to Nicholas Kristoff for assembling this list of Governor Romney statements.

1. On abortion: “I will preserve and protect a woman’s right to choose and am devoted and dedicated to honoring my word in that regard.”
2. “I am fighting for an overturning of Roe v. Wade.”
3. On gay rights: “As we seek to establish full equality for America’s gay and lesbian citizens, I will provide more effective leadership than my opponent.”
4. On the 2009 economic stimulus: “No time, nowhere, no how.”
5. “There is need for economic stimulus. Americans have lost about $11 trillion in net worth. That translates into about $400 billion a year less spending that they’ll be doing. ... Government can help make that up in a very difficult time. And that’s one of the reasons why I think a stimulus program is needed.”
6. On climate science: “I believe that climate change is occurring — the reduction in the size of global ice caps is hard to ignore. I also believe that human activity is a contributing factor.”
7. “Do I think the world’s getting hotter? Yeah, I don’t know that, but I think that it is. ... I don’t know if it’s mostly caused by humans. ... What I’m not willing to do is spend trillions of dollars on something I don’t know the answer to.”
8. On health care: “It’s critical to insure more people in this country. It doesn’t make sense to have 45 million people without insurance. It’s not good for them because they don’t get good preventative care ... but it’s not good for the rest of the citizens either, because if people aren’t insured, they go to the emergency room for their care when they get very sick. That’s expensive. They don’t have any insurance to cover it. So guess who pays? Everybody else.”
9. On financial bailouts: “The idea of trying to bail out an institution to protect the shareholders or to protect a certain interest group, that’s a terrible idea. And that shouldn’t happen.”
10. “TARP got paid back, and it kept the financial system from collapsing. ... Well, it was the right thing to do.”

Governor Romney, please clarify what you will do if you become President!!!

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