Thursday, October 18, 2012

Thursday 10/18 musings

Why didn't either of the 1st two Presidential debates address medicare, medicaid and social security in some detail?

As for the economy, there is an interesting commentary in the 10/13/12 Economist on the differences in productivity measures between those working in urban settings vs  those working in rural settings.  It has real implications for what government policies should be in place and what people in rural settings should be thinking about for their own life choices and expectations.

And someone should ask Candidate Romney and the GOP Congressmen if they intend to close the Food and Drug Administration.  I think they do and I would like to know who would be dealing with this meningitis outbreak caused by a private pharmaceutical company if not for the FDA and the public health services throughout this country.  Government oversight is critical to protecting the trusting population from people who will take shortcuts to turn a profit for themselves.  There is a 200+ year history of scoundrels trying to make money off of fraudulent medicines and the population needs protection.

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