The NY Times book review section reviewed 3 GOP Presidential biographies today.
Richard Nixon supported the Civil Rights Act of 1957 and was a personal friend of both Martin Luther King and Jackie Robinson. Nixon also argued that the GOP should remain the party of Lincoln on civil rights. Interestingly, Eisenhower disagreed with that.
And back to political philosophy. From a book review of another book on Lincoln. "Principle without compromise is empty; compromise without principle is blind."
And I will add one other point of my own. Science and statistical research used to be believed by all politicians. There is hard evidence that the earth was created billions of years ago. There is widespread evidence that our infrastructure is crumbling and moving beyond its designed years of use. There is statistical evidence that preschool makes a difference. And there is broad scientific evidence that higher levels of CO2 cause the air to warm and that CO2 levels in the atmosphere have risen.
Even the Wall Street Journal editorial page agrees with that last point. From Saturday 2/16/13 Editorial.
"We're all for studying the climate and doing what can be done within economic reason to cope with temperature changes."
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