The inconsistency (and consistency is something I highly value) of some politicians is unbelievable.
If there is one thing the GOP has stood for over the last 30 plus years, it is the promotion of democracy in autocratic states. Yet, recently Michelle Bachman, Steve King and Louie Gohmert - 3 Tea Party House members of the GOP - went to Cairo and praised the military coup that overthrew an elected leader and compared the General who authorized the shooting and arrest of demonstrators promoting Democracy to George Washington. Whatever you may think about events in Egypt, I would not think this worthy of comparison to George Washington who in 200+ years has never been accused of anything corrupt, while the 1st thing you generally think of in Egypt with the military is corruption.
Rand Paul, who competes with Ted Cruz for the most bizarre comments made by US Senators has been in a really crazy mood lately on Syria. I quote my source Timothy Egan
Senator Rand Paul, the Tea Party Republican who wants to be president, initially expressed indirect support for his fellow ophthalmologist, Bashar al-Assad. The Syrian dictator, he noted, was on the side of Christians, so maybe we should think twice about attacking him. A week later he said Assad deserved to die if he gassed those kids. Now, he says, the president “is asking us to be allies with Al Qaeda.”
So while, Charles Krauthammer, the neo-con commentator, beats on Obama for an inconsistent message and not just firing Tomahawk missals at Syria, no matter the consequences for the U.S; Rand Paul says doing that would make us allies with Al Qaeda and anti-Christian. Wait, a minute, doesn't Iran support Assad and they are certainly not friends of Jews or Christians.
While I personally wish we would fire the Tomahawk's, I recognize that is a controversial decision and if this gets Russia to the table and trying to influence events in the Middle East in the direction of fewer WMD's, it is a positive. The world is a complicated place, and we are all in this together, so diplomacy has a role and that is why we must rely upon our elected leaders who have the benefit of expertise in the Department's of State and Defense and the CIA.
The grandstanding by the Tea Party just illustrates they either know nothing, don't care about being serious or are really really dangerous if they ever got to higher office.
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