Friday, October 11, 2013

GOP Dishonesty With Their Base

The Tea Party leaders in Congress make it seem like their demands can be reasonably met.  And they use outright lies and exaggeration to make their case against what the Democrats stand for.

As an example of the latter, today Dr. Ben Carson, a rising African-American political figure, said ObamaCare is the the worst thing to happen in the USA since slavery.  Why, because it makes us all subservient to the government.  Well excuse me, but from my point of view having to buy health insurance is no different than having to buy car insurance.  We all need it someday.  It is no different from paying social security taxes.  If we live, we will collect.  And it is no different from paying taxes.  We all do it.

Would he make paying property taxes optional?  Would he make paying Social Security taxes optional?  Would he make car insurance optional?  If so, then make the case for that in addition to fighting ObamaCare!  Then at least the supporters of the Tea Party could see the whole logical conclusion to what they stand for and make a judgment if that is what they really believe.

By the way, I saw a poll early this week and if you eliminate those who are over 65 who don't like ObamaCare, a majority of the population is in favor of it.  So the rabble rousing over ObamaCare is really coming from people who are covered by Medicare and receiving Social Security.

So if the GOP were really honest with the elderly, they would say we need to change the rules so that Social Security and Medicare will be there for you, your children's and your grandchildren's whole life. But instead, on the campaign trail, they say no change for the elderly, but we want to dismantle this for future generations without explaining what will replace the current system.  So just like they want to do nothing to make health insurance affordable for all, they want to end the elderly social safety net.  But they dress that up in language supporting supposed individual rights without telling people what they really want.

And while the GOP wants to make everybody receiving food stamps to work (never mind if they are elderly or 5 years old) and claim unemployment insurance inhibits people from wanting to work, they refuse to reopen the government while they have agreed to pay the furloughed workers all their missing compensation they have foregone while not working.  How does that make sense?

It makes it hard for me to believe that I once voted for mostly Republican candidates, because I can't imagine voting for one today.

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