Monday, November 4, 2013

This is not helpful

" is the #1 conservative news agency online. ... is the one publication in America breaking news that the liberal media gatekeepers can't censor."

That quote is from their website.  I get emails from them because I do get an education from them sometimes.  They are also shills for some other websites that want to sell you something.

But this was over the top today.

"Dear Fellow Americans:
Retirees have received an insulting 1.5% increase to their Social Security checks this past year.
And the rumors around D.C. suggest certain politicians want to drastically decrease these payments, and soon!"

Aren't these guys supporting people who want to privatize Social Security.  I am sure if I clicked on the link, they would want me to buy something.  And how is this helpful to ever getting to the Grand Bargain that will balance everything that needs to be dealt with?

This self serving is why I do not trust anything I find on anything other than a real newspaper website.

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