Thursday, October 23, 2014

The World is Complicated (#?????)

I know I have used that headline multiple times, but partisan politicians try to convince uninformed voters that simple solutions will make everything better.

I am only on P 10 of the paper this morning and I am compelled to point out a few things that illustrated how bleeping complicated the world is (and that is the primary reason capitalism and democracy are the only good ways for a society to manage its way through the complications).

Turkey & ISIS:  The Turk's complain that some of the U.S. military airdrop of supplies went to ISIS.  Well, why didn't Turkey just let some trucks drive across the border?  They seem to let trucks with ISIS oil drive across the border into Turkey!

The Taliban are back in Afghanistan:  Neo-conservatives will no doubt be upset that Kunduz in the north is once again governed by the Taliban.  But this time, the Taliban are local and are allowing both International Aid societies and girl's schools to work.  And the locals support them because they did not feel the central government was effective in managing the society for them.  If that sounds familiar, it is the same reason the Iraqi Sunni's are working with ISIS.  Corruption breads unrest and the U.S. government does not know how to build a nation without corruption.  That is not a complaint  about Republicans and Democrats ability to lead a government, it is simply an observation that one nation cannot impose a corruption free government on another nation.  The U.S. has failed to achieve that in the Philippines, Japan, Iraq, Afghanistan, and almost every where there was an Arab Spring.  Probably the only place we were successful is Germany post WWII, but that is more likely based upon the inherent culture of Germany and all those other nations did not have the same societal predilection.  So, the ability of the U.S. to develop a non-corrupt culture when nation building requires the local culture to be accepting of a non-corrupt culture.  It is clear the Islamic world is not there yet, and putting our military forces in harms way is not going to be successful in a defined period of time at a limited cost.

China & Hong Kong:  The students of Hong Kong have capitalism, but they are not happy with the state of their democracy.  Kenny G's music is enormously popular in China to point where one of his songs is played in malls to signal closing time and all the shoppers conclude their shopping and exit the malls.  Now Kenny G showed some support for the HK students.  China is learning how compacted it is to have capitalism without democracy.  You can do it for a good while, but eventually people want both.

Creationists & the Growing Evangelical Schooling so they can focus on that:  I don't understand why evolution is so threatening to Evangelicals.  Every organized religion has figured out a way to acknowledge that evolution does not obfuscate faith in God or the Bible.  So how will Creationists explain that a human thighbone found in the tundra of Siberia has been carbon dated to 45,000 years ago and the genome reconstructed from it.  And the genome revealed that this particular individual had both human and Neanderthal genes.  Since good government requires the population to be well educated, I am deeply distressed by the growth in creationist schooling in this country.

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