Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Fox News & Professor Gruber

I am waiting for a routine car service at the dealer being subject to whoever controls the TV deciding that Fox News was the thing all these African Americans around me wanted to watch in the extremely Blue county of Westchester, NY.

Anyway, they are having a field day with Professor Gruber who you would have think learned long ago that colorful statements in public about things the country cares about have to be politically correct.  But the point I want to make is that Fox News is making hay about ObamaCare having taxes in it.

Well, isn't that what the Supreme Court said when they upheld the Constitutionality of ObamaCare?  Isn't that what the Republicans were saying when they opposed ObamaCare?  Isn't that what all fees, taxes, excise duties, VAT's, Sales, Property, penalties are at the end of the day.

Yes, they are taxes and we must pay taxes if we are to have a functioning National Defense, a functioning legal system (which by the way is seriously underfunded at the Judicial Process level, our little condo legal dispute has taken over 5 years to wind its way to the point where the next appeal will finally bring our legal victory to completion), a functioning public health system, a functioning State Department, a functioning public education system, a functioning road maintenance and snow plowing system, a functioning fire department, and, yes, Republicans, a functioning safety net for the elderly and poor.

The way Fox News is carrying on, you would get the impression that taxes are unnecessary and we can do with no taxes at all.  How is that working out for you KANSAS?  And if the GOP was so upfront about everything, why aren't they putting forth their detailed alternative to ObamaCare?  Oh wait, it is ObamaCare!  or is it voucher's for everyone whereby people will see their co-pay's and deductibles ever increasing!  or is it privatization of Social Security and Medicare so that every citizen has to save $1,000,000 over their life time to pay for retirement and end-of-life care and woe to those who don't do that.  I know no GOP'er would campaign on Granny and Gramps dying in the gutter, but that is where Fox News would take us.  Thank you Rubert Murdoch, you are driving me crazy when I cannot ignore you.  I wish I could convince RSL to drop the Wall Street Journal from our newspaper delivery to send you a small message.

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