The Curiosity Rover is making great progress in finding out stuff about Mars. It doesn't have all the answers, nor is it likely to be able to figure all of them out, but it has pretty much confirmed that Mars once had water and now it has neither water nor much of an atmosphere.
So the question is, if there is the potential for climate change to cause a dissolution of the atmosphere, and humans could do something to prevent that, would you support such initiatives even if they curtailed global growth and your personal wealth?
Link to article on Curiosity
I know that my question is probably without scientific basis, but I still think it is a relevant question from which to begin to establish where science deniers will draw the line on allowing some policy initiatives that combat global warming.
Just like I used to have a point when I would goad a conservative co-worker who was also an oil engineer. I said what a surprise it would be if we found out that the core of the earth was just continuing to manufacture oil and it wasn't all dinosaur and plant matter. We just need to drill deeper and deeper into the mantle to find it. Of course, at some point we would pierce the mantle, generate a volcano flow of unprecedented size perhaps, open the core up to release and causing the collapse of the surface into the core. Basically turning the earth inside out in a violent manner. Needless to say, as a trained oil engineer who real understands how hydro-carbons were created, he thought my thoughts were outlandishly false statements. I guess he could not be a creationist if he understands hydrocarbons formed over billions of years. But I know he is very conservative. Creationists are the real nut cases. I wonder what they think about Curiosity.
RIP Israel if you become an apartheid state by denying Arab citizens equal rights in all respects. And for anyone reading this, I am Jewish and I don't support the settlements, but I do support Israel's right to defend itself. It just has to adhere to a higher moral code than the militant Palestinians do.
One day the earth will disappear. That is indisputable. It is also indisputable that there is nothing mankind can do to prevent that day from eventually coming. Liberals believe that we should hedge our raising taxes.