Thursday, January 22, 2015

Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner is a Mafia Wanna Be, Vladimir Putin, Sheldon Silver, & Other Quick Takes

Intercepted telephone conversations in Buenos Aires captured the Argentine government trying to evade the Iranian Sanctions and its own problems (brought on by the disastrous economic management of the Mr. & Mrs. Kirchner) by agreeing to "disprove" the Iranians were behind the 1994 bombing of a Jewish center that killed 85 people and injured 300 more) in return for opening an oil for food barter exchange.

Mrs. Kirchner, whose government was leading that charge, now has had the prosecutor who found it murdered with a weak effort to prove it was a suicide.  Mrs. Kirchner is the embodiment of a despicable human being.

There is a news report that Sheldon Silver will be arrested today, after 20 years of using the New York State Assembly as his personal vehicle for corruption at the expense of New York Tax Payers.  We can only hope this leads to him leaving government.  Although, his district keeps reelecting him, so who knows who will replace him.  At least, he/she won't be leading the Assembly, but the idiots who voted for Sheldon Silver will still be there voting for the next leader.  Oy Vei!!!  Update:  Sheldon Silver surrendered to authorities this morning and is being booked as I write this.

Meanwhile, Putin keeps supplying the breakaway Ukrainian rebels with heavy arms and other types of necessary military supplies (like food and fuel).  After shooting down a Malaysian Air Heavy killing all the innocent passengers, which included all the Netherlands leading AIDS researchers on their way to a conference, and seeing his country go into a recession, you would think Putin would find a way to change his path.  But then again, given the way political opponents of Putin disappear, perhaps Mrs. Kirchner was just following his lead.

What a trio of despicable human beings.

Meanwhile, Sunni Jihadists in Yemen can't defeat Shia rebels who don't like the President, that the U.S. has supported 2011.  So, it appears the only people who support Yemen's President Hadi are his bodyguards and the U.S.  We are left contemplating supporting the Shia Houtis because they are anti-Al Qaeda in Yemen or whatever they call themselves despite the fact that the Houtis favorite motivating chant is "God is Great; Death to America; Death to Israel".  Yemen has probably never worked as a viable government, but until technology and oil money made Jihad a global problem, it didn't matter.  I don't know what a good solution is, perhaps Salmon Fishing Tourism, but I do know a  U.S. military presence would not have an exit solution and I don't want Yemen to be a U.S. Colony.

What does the world know that we don't?  In the rest of the developed world, 70% of 3 year olds go to preschool.  In the U.S., 38% do.  That is much more than poverty would suggest.  It suggests that a big percentage of adults don't value education and we see it in crazy voting for populist candidates who spout conspiracy stuff and other untruths as if they were facts.  And they vote for people of both parties, Sheldon Silver and numerous Tea Party candidates.

I need to analyze the Senate vote on Climate change in the Keystone Pipeline bill.  I saw one headline 16 Republicans voted for it, but it still failed.  I don't understand that math.

1 comment:

  1. Preschool is nothing more than glorified babysitting. Serious long-term scientific studies have determined that any benefits that are observed from Head Start and similar programs quickly disappear. Why does society have to subsidize babysitters?
