I know this will be a shock to some on the Religious Right, but there is a reason that Christianity is not enshrined in The Constitution, but rather Freedom of Religion is enshrined.
Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington and James Madison, as well as Ethan Allen, were Deists. Deism is the belief in a deity based on natural religion only, or belief in religious truths discovered by people through a process of reasoning, independent of any revelation through scripture or prophets.
I am really not sure how Deism differs from being Agnostic or an Atheist, as a life led by reasoning and basic goodwill toward others, would seem common to all three.
And certainly, respect for the right of others to believe in scripture and prophets is part of that as well.
If only, those on the Religious Right, would return the respect for the rights of others to live as they wish without interference from the beliefs of those who follow scriptures and prophets.
I thank Paul Unger for pointing this out to me in a blog on Forbes.com
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