The Kardashian people. Why would anyone watch them? or Care about them? The Daily News forces my eyes to see the headlines they write about them even when I don't read the articles or want to see the headline.
Ted Cruz, who makes sick jokes about Vice President Biden's grief.
Any politician who is a pervert, corrupt, or otherwise dishonest.
Sarah Palin & Michelle Bachman who cannot string coherent thoughts together and ignore facts. But at least they are not in office anymore.
People who watch Fox News because you can't trust anything stated on there, and I saw a survey that said at least 50% of Fox New's audience are Democrats who want to know what is being said on the channel.
I am sure I will add to this list, thank you for letting me rant.
Are you equally appalled by Nancy Pelosi, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the crew at MSNBC? Just wondering.......