Tuesday, October 13, 2015

GOP Incoherency

While over 50% of those willing to be polled and representing themselves as GOP Primary voters want a non-politician to run as their Presidential candidate, the blathering radio hosts and bloggers who represent themselves as the conscience of the GOP are having a field day ripping Paul Ryan as not being conservative enough for them.

What does Paul Ryan want?  Well he wants to turn Medicare into Obamacare for Seniors while wiping out Obamacare for everyone younger than 65.  He wants to reform the tax code while maintaining some revenues to pay for defense, the judiciary, and the criminal incarceration system and not much more.  He supports Supreme Court Justices along the lines of Scalia and Thomas.  And he doesn't want to deport 11 million people and turn every person who remembers their immigrant ancestors into an anti-GOP voter.

The incoherence is now so rampant in the House of Representatives, that even David Brooks agrees with me that the Freedom Caucus doesn't respect Democracy.

Link to David Brooks column

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