I don't watch the debates, getting my information from the various newspapers on what happens at them, but I discern a trend.
Bush III, Kasich, and Christie are in danger of being labeled RINO's by the primary voters. Now they certainly don't govern like even a conservative Democrat would, so they are not Democrats in my view, but they don't seem to have a sufficient home in the GOP to be a contender to be nominated and they are the only candidates left that have actually governed.
That means the GOP wants to nominate someone who has little to none experience in governing, and this after criticizing Obama for only being a Senator and attributing some of his shortfalls to that lack of experience in managing the government.
Anyway, Mark Shields and David Brooks don't seem all that worried if Marco Rubio is nominated, stating that he cares about the details of policy, but I have yet to see that side of him out there on the campaign trail, and I pretty much lump him in there with Cruz, Trump and Carson.
Meanwhile, Jeb Bush (Bush III) put forth his replacement plan for ObamaCare and basically says people with pre-exisitng conditions will be able to find affordable health insurance with competition, whole care payments, and tax credits. That sounds like a plan that is put forth by someone who has never experienced pre-existing conditions and how the insurance companies run away from people like that if they can.
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