Monday, December 7, 2015

Let's not be Stupid

168 dead 680 wounded.

ISIS attack, no Timothy McVeigh in the Oklahoma City bombing.

We didn't bomb Idaho or wherever he was from and there could certainly were more lone wolf's in the intervening 20 years as there have been another 53 mass killings that were random plus all the gang warfare that the website I consulted did not include.

I don't say this to discount ISIS.  Only to point out that the U.S. has a lot of home grown terrorists and two ISIS wanna be's who are now dead don't mean we have to get completely stupid in our response.

If the War on Terrorism, and ISIS is the personification of terrorism, is to be successful, it cannot become a War on Islam because we will never extricate ourselves from a War on Islam as within 1.6 billion Muslims, there will always be 100,000 who want to become martyr's if our 100,000 anti-terrorist force puts itself in a position to be shot at.

The War on Islamic Terrorism can only be defeated by Muslim forces, Western forces can assist, but they will always draw in more people willing to become martyr's for the chance to kill Americans, so we have to be smart about this.  And simply invading with our military might, when the Iraqi's, and the Iranians, and probably not even the Turk's want our troops on the ground there in significant numbers, is not being smart about this.

The GOP wanna be Dick Cheney's must not be allowed back into office.


  1. Timothy McVeigh was a registered Democrat.

  2. Not sure about your source. Wikipeadia tells me he left Buffalo because it was too liberal and was a Registered Republican. But my point was irrespective of what ever political party he supported. He was a convicted murderer who lost his right to vote before he was subjected to the death penalty.
