Wednesday, May 25, 2016

An Alabama View on the GOP

George Hawley, a University of Alabama Political Science professor, has put into different words some thoughts I have discussed previously.  This is that the Conservative Orthodoxy that drives RINO's out of the party is not really supported by a majority of GOP voters.  Thus, you get a Donald Trump candidacy over a host of politicians who pledged themselves to implement Conservative Orthodoxy.

What is Conservative Orthodoxy?

"To be a true, unpolluted conservative in America today, one must be a free-market purist, a believer in limited government, a cultural traditionalist and a superhawk on foreign affairs."

In my words, to be an unpolluted conservative in American today, one must not believe in regulation of any kind, allow business and individuals to do anything they want to (except use illegal drugs) while paying less in taxes, support traditional marriage and discriminate against non-traditional people, and be a super hawk, no matter what the cost to human conditions within the military or the budget issues.

Mr. Hawley, meanwhile, is urging Conservatives to support Donald Trump if they want to have influence going forward.  So Mr. Hawley clearly is not bothered that the only things we know Donald Trump stands for are things that enrich himself and harm people who he thinks are dangerous or fit one his myriad conspiracy theories.  I remind you that Trump wanted to ban U.S. healthcare workers from working on Ebola and prevent them from returning home when they were finished.

So the only thing Mr. Hawley and I agree on is that Conservatives are going to have to compromise on something if they want to have influence going forward.  We differ on whether Donald Trump is an appropriate vehicle for such change.

Link to Column

Meanwhile, Ken Starr, who was last seen in public prosecuting the impeachment of Bill Clinton is praising Bill Clinton.  Perhaps, he has seen the light of the danger in ultra-partisan politics.

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