Sunday, May 21, 2017

Existential Experience Today Reminds Me

that the world should be focused on family, fun, friends, society and then politics.

But that is why things are so f**ked up today.

In my youth, I read a lot of Herman Hesse.  I think I should revisit those books soon, but I will have to find them.  One of my favorites invoked the theory that music drives our lives and provides solace.

Tonight I was reminded how Pink Floyd is such a driver of happiness in my soul.  The Band resides there as well, as does the Grateful Dead and the Allman Brothers.  In later times, Dire Straits, and many Punk Rock bands did as well.

The really horrible thing about the GOP domination of our political process is that it gets inside our brains and forces to abandon the life we love to fight that domination in any way our little individual self can.

To quote my son's Alama Mater:  "Fight On"

Ross Douthat Points Out Trump is Betraying His Core Supporters

He believes it is because Trump does not like conflict and avoids political fights.  I think Trump's style of management by creating different circles of power and a level of chaos is compelling the Rule of Law to enforce itself.   Trump's populist desires require changes in law that the Congress rightfully debates until they find a compromise position that can obtain a sufficient number of votes.
That is where the populist desires run into common sense and a desire to preserve the status quo.

Douthat column

Thursday, May 18, 2017

The Wall Street Journal Comes Close to a Call for Impeachment

From the Washington Post

"Any GOP leader losing the support of the semi-official organ of Republican conservatism should know that his partisans are headed to the exits."

link to WSJ editorial

Monday, May 15, 2017

Everything that is wrong with the GOP summed up in 92 words by a Grandmother

Trump Commits Treason by Trusting Russia More than Allies

If this doesn't get the GOP legislator's moving on impeachment, I am wondering what it will take.

This is TREASON in my mind.

link to article

And here is a comment from the WAPO article that I could not resist adding.

5:47 PM EDT
First he bans the American media from the meeting, then he invites in the Russian media, then he provides classified information to the Russian spies, and finally takes several photos with these Russian officials with the warmest of smiles, not even bothering to restrain his display of overwhelming joy and camaraderie. Thoroughly disgusting and despicable! 

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Things the New GOP Tolerates & would impeach a Democrat if they did the

This is a complete copy of a NYT Editorial today.

"It wasn’t so long ago that Republicans in Congress cared about how a president comported himself in office. They cared a lot! The president is, after all, commander in chief of the armed forces, steward of the most powerful nation on earth, role model for America’s children — and he should act at all times with the dignity his station demands. It’s not O.K. to behave in a manner that demeans the office and embarrasses the country. Shirt sleeves in the Oval Office? Disrespectful. Shoes on the Resolute desk? Even worse. Lying? Despicable, if not impeachable.
Now seems like a good moment to update the standards. What do Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and other Republican leaders think a president may say or do and still deserve their enthusiastic support? We offer this handy reference list in hopes of protecting them from charges of hypocrisy in the future. They can consult it should they ever feel tempted to insist on different standards for another president. So, herewith, the Congressional Republican’s Guide to Presidential Behavior.
If you are the president, you may freely:
• attack private citizens on Twitter
• delegitimize federal judges who rule against you
• refuse to take responsibility for military actions gone awry
• fire the F.B.I. chief in the middle of his expanding investigation into your campaign and your associates
• accuse a former president, without evidence, of an impeachable offense
• employ top aides with financial and other connections to a hostile foreign power
• blame the judiciary, in advance, for any terror attacks
• call the media “the enemy of the American people”
• demand personal loyalty from the F.B.I. director
• threaten the former F.B.I. director
• accept foreign payments to your businesses, in possible violation of the Constitution
• occupy the White House with the help of a hostile foreign power
• intimidate congressional witnesses
• allow White House staff members to use their personal email for government business
• neglect to fill thousands of crucial federal government positions for months
• claim, without evidence, that millions of people voted illegally
• fail to fire high-ranking members of your national security team for weeks, even after knowing they lied to your vice president and exposed themselves to blackmail
• refuse to release tax returns
• hide the White House visitors’ list from the public
• vacation at one of your private residences nearly every weekend
• use an unsecured personal cellphone
• criticize specific businesses for dropping your family members’ products
• review and discuss highly sensitive intelligence in a restaurant, and allow the Army officer carrying the “nuclear football” to be photographed and identified by name
• obstruct justice
• hire relatives for key White House posts, and let them meet with foreign officials and engage in business at the same time
• promote family businesses on federal government websites
• tweet, tweet, tweet
• collude with members of Congress to try to shut down investigations of you and your associates
• threaten military conflict with other nations in the middle of news interviews
• compare the U.S. intelligence community to Nazis
• display complete ignorance about international relations, your own administration’s policiesAmerican history and the basic structure of our system of governmentOMMENTS
• skip daily intelligence briefings
• repeat untruths
• lie
If you’re a Republican legislator, stick this list on the fridge and give it a quick read the next time you get upset at a president."

Thursday, May 11, 2017

RedStateVT's Favorite WSJ Columnist Calls for Trump Impeachment

OK, when you read the column you will see Bret Stephens doesn't quite say that.  But what he does say is "Where there is smoke, there is likely a fire" and the truth needs to be uncovered.

Link to Bret Stephens Column

And RedStateVT doesn't like Bret because he is liberal.  Bret has written many things that I do not agree with, but at least he sees the light here.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

King Donald Strikes Again

King's don't like to be challenged.  So they want to strike back at any one who does and intimidate others who might challenge them by punishing those who challenged them.

So the 3 highest ranking people in the Justice Department who know some of the details about Trump's campaign collusion with Russia have all been fired:  Comey, the Head of the FBI, Yates, the holdover Acting Head of the Justice Department, Preet Bharara, the D.A. for the Southern District of NY.

I'm glad some GOP senators now see the need for an independent commission.  The only question is whether the Sessions led Justice Department will destroy the evidence that they have in their possession already.  I suspect they will and probably already are doing so, even though that is illegal. But if you destroy the evidence that you destroyed the evidence than you really have no proof that an illegal act was committed.

Meanwhile, can you imagine what is going on in the IRS with Trump's tax returns.  I can assure you his tax bill is being reduced.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Jennifer Rubin Says the GOP Has Sold It's Soul

Trump's number one goal is to dominate the news cycle in as many ways as possible, it is not to lead. The manner in which he does so without rebellion from GOP leaders is the gestalt that Rubin is disgusted with.

Link To Rubin Column