Sunday, November 4, 2012

Outrageous TV Political Ad

Until this weekend, we in NYC have been spared the absolute shit being put on the air by the GOP advocates sanctioned by Citizens United.  I don't know why this weekend they have been wasting their dollars in NYC but they have.

Tonight, I saw the most outrageous ad and must comment.  It was paid for by Citizens Against Government Waste.  I know this organization has a somewhat respectable founding, but this was beyond the pale.

It showed Chinese of the PRC chortling about owning US debt and saying the US is working for them because of Obama's fiscal stimulus.

I would like to point out that Chinese financing of the US budget deficit began in 2001 under the Bush administration which had no qualms about cutting taxes and financing the WAR on TERROR with money borrowed from the Chinese because they would neither put the cost of the WAR on Terror in the budget nor raise the revenues to pay for it.  Nor would the Bush II administration contemplate enforcing regulation of the mortgage industry preferring to let the market work it out.

The result was the Great Recession which we are still working through and millions of innocent people who lost their jobs because of unregulated capitalism.

The ad impies that Obama should be voted out of office so those same policies can be implemented.

It is outrageous and I hope Obama wins and he gets to appoint 2 more Supreme Court justices who will vote to overturn Citizens United.

1 comment:

  1. Question: Why do Liberals hate Citizens United so much? Answer: Because it levels the playing field with union money in politics and if there is anything Liberals hate, it is a fair fight.

    Our choice for most outrageous political ad? The one showing an Obama surrogate claiming that Romney was responsible for his wife's death.
