Alawites in Turkey are saying the Syrian Free Army is a USA led uprising while Assad is saying the Syrian Free Army is an Al Qaeda Terrorist organization.
Then somehow components of the GOP which supported the Bush II desire to introduce democracy in Iraq now say Obama has committed a mistake by not protecting the dictators, who prevented democracy, so that the new governments, who support Hamas would have been prevented from taking control.
I know that last sentence is a run-on but this is why I think the only answer is for Israel to grant the Palestinians a state so they can demand that the leadership create a vibrant economy that is built on peace, not an impoverished state that ferments terrorism.
I could continue my rant on any number of the idiocies in this part of the world but the bottom line is rationality is not a leading characteristic of any of these countries and Israel's only choice is to find the moral high ground and then defend themselves from people who think that the development of a way of life stopped in 700 AD (christian years).
I must finish by pointing out that each of the early leaders for the GOP Presidential nomination in 2016 will not state whether they believe in evolution and some say intelligent design that created the world 6000 years ago is correct. Maybe some aspects of the U.S. are not far behind Saudi Arabia, although these same people who do not believe in evolution love Saudi Arabia until they produce terrorists that attack the U.S.A.
Maybe the whole F***ing world is insane.
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