Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A Priceless Comment

and not all in keeping with my immediately prior post about the need to consider all points of view in reaching compromise so we can overcome problems.

Richard Cohen of the Washington Post.

"Now, though, it is conservatism that is both intellectually exhausted and nearly indefensible. It is the movement of the ideologically ossified, of gun zealots and homophobes, of the immigrant-phobic and the adamantly selfish. It insists that government must be small (an impossibility!), .......... and that debt, no matter what the reason, is immoral and reckless. The movement has lost its reliable monster. Godless communists have been replaced by the church ladies of Planned Parenthood."


  1. Just like other commentators over the years who have declared the death of one side or the other, Cohen will - as certain as the sun will rise tomorrow - be proven wrong. It might be the mid-term elections, or it might be in four years, but Cohen's words will come back to haunt him.

  2. http://townhall.com/columnists/dennisprager/2013/01/08/richard-cohen-explains-conservatives-n1483114

    Just ran across this rebuke of Richard Cohen's column by Dennis Prager. It's pretty devastating.....
