Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sunday Musings 1/20

I trolled the comments sections of various news articles this past week on gun control legislation and was saddened by the generally low level of intellectual content in comments posted by either side of the argument.  This is why I generally don't read such comments, but in this case, the potential legislation says so much about what we value as a society that I could not help myself because people who comment are probably people who vote.  Our governments are elected by a lot of people who come across as not being very smart.

I have been thinking a lot about the issue of management skills.  There is an article in today's NY Times about how President Obama is not a very good manager and doesn't seem to hire good managers.  That is not only true of the President but also society as a whole.  I am a terrific manager, but the only people who know that are people I have worked with in the past, and it is a very difficult skill to accurately portray on a resume.  And forget about being able to discuss it in a job interview where the only two things that matter are (i) have you done that specific job before and (ii) does your personality fit the organization.  Thus, many terrific managers over 50 can't find level appropriate work despite there being a general shortage of good managers in many places.  I think this has been true for a long time, and I cannot think of a solution.

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