Also from the Economist this week (and please read the blog below this one, I think when I post 2, the 1st gets hidden from y'all somehow)
"The dilemma Mr. Sharon had the courage to confront in 2005 is the same one that Mr. Netanyahu (and too many of Israel's supporters in America's Congress) keep on running away from. If Israel is to remain a democracy, it cannot indefinitely occupy the West Bank while also denying the Palestinians full political rights in a Greater Israel. Yet a Palestinian majority - and the demography is heading that way - would mean the end of Israel as a a predominantly Jewish state. If Israel wants to remain both Jewish and a democracy, the only workable alternative is to give the Palestinians a state of their own, thereby accepting that Israel must vacate most of that hallowed land on the West Bank. Giving up Gaza (Ariel Sharon's legacy) was the first step."
What I have been saying for years, only in a more succinct and lucid manner.
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