Government's exist because without them there is no order. So we must have some government because no one wants to live in chaos. If we must have government, there can be debate about specific things that constitute the policies and operations of the government, but there should not be debate about the need for government.
Michael Gerson today laid out a path that explains how the current Tea Party and starve the government with no revenue increases are harming the ability of the conservative proposals to get a fair hearing in the political debate as they are drowned out by the "Just Say No to Everything" crowd that dominates the GOP today.
Link to Michael Gerson Column
The reasonableness of this to the conservative cause is that ObamaCare is after all Heritage Foundation/RomneyCare/ObamaCare. It is a plan designed by conservatives as a market based solution to a problem that is very real. If the Republicans were truly ignored, there would be a single payer plan. Democrats universally prefer a single payer plan, but we don't have one today because the GOP had influence in our effort to control health care costs that are out of control. Consumers are not making intelligent decisions and providers are able to extract extraordinary rents from the system. The rest of us pay that bill and it lowers our standard of living. This is what the market based design attempts to improve.
The idiocy of the current situation is that instead of the Republican tinkering with the parts of ObamaCare that do not fit the original Heritage Foundation design (David Brooks explained this a while back), all we get is repeal ObamaCare and an advocacy for returning the country to a place where individuals are at the mercy of Insurance companies, insurance is unavailable for people with pre-existing conditions, and health care costs spiral ever higher as a percent of GDP.
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