Sunday, April 27, 2014

Surprise, Greed Behind the Tea Party

No wonder the small people are angry.  Tea Party leaders pay themselves hundreds of thousands of dollars while spending only a little on supporting campaigns.  And the best they can say is "Raising money from small donors is expensive".

Link to article on Tea Party Finances

However, the really destructive thing about GOP politics is the way it fosters hate and furthers belief in incorrect facts.

The SuperPAC machine behind the GOP has convinced poor West Virginians that if they sign up for Medicaid, they will face a government run death panel.  The Talk Radio hit men and Tea Party Senators would have you think Cliven Bundy is a patriot when he is a dead beat who wants to line his own pockets at the expense of every taxpayer.  And the gun nuts who showed up to support him, are chickensh*t Timothy McVeigh wanna be's.  What I saw of them on TV, they are all Type 2 Diabetes candidates who will burden Medicare with their costs.

I am now so angry at the GOP lie machine, that I doubt I will ever consider voting for a GOP candidate  again, even if the Democrats nominate a Bernie Sanders clone.

1 comment:

  1. So Tea Party leaders are really a lot like Union officials who line their own pockets.....
