Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Voter Turnout is the Key to November

Why do I write this now?  Because I am sick of reading Republican forecasts that ObamaCare will bring some catastrophe down around us (exactly what it will be is never stated) and it must still be repealed to right some wrong.  Never mind, they refuse to say how they intend to provide health care to the masses and keep it affordable.  Some specifics, please.

I just don't get it.  Over 7 mm people now have health insurance through the exchanges that Paul Ryan wants to use for Medicare.   Something like 3 mm people under 26 are now on their parent's insurance policies.  Something like 3 mm people have signed up for Medicaid directly and an unknown number of million people (but lets say  3mm ) signed up for affordable health insurance policies directly from the insurance companies without any subsidy (like me).  You would think Republicans would be welcoming the success of of providing affordable health insurance to millions of people so they can get affordable health care.   After all, this program was designed by the Heritage Foundation, a Republican think tack and 1st implemented by Governor Romney, a Republican governor and Presidential candidate.

One thing I am sure of is that if the Republicans control the Senate after November, there will be budget vote gutting ObamaCare in 2015 (why Republicans want to kill the affordable health insurance for over 16 mm voters is beyond my comprehension) and the President will veto it.  We will be in another budget gridlock and for all I know another government debt default crisis.

So if you care about having affordable health insurance and you live in swing state, please help get voters organized to turn out in November.

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