Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Eric Cantor and Immigration RIP

I'd like to say something poignent about Eric Cantor's loss, but he practiced reactionary politics, supported the do nothing plans of the Tea Party and I believe voted to shut down the government.  So he lost to an anti-immigration nut case who wants to be more anti-government than Eric Cantor.

And suddenly, immigration reform which was already dead, is now even deader according to various political pundits.

All we can hope for is somehow this mobilizes a strong turnout by marginal Democratic voters who usually sit out mid-term elections to turn out this November and vote for Democratic Congressional candidates.

These congressional candidates could even be Republicans who believe in a functioning democracy.

The Tea Party does not believe in a functioning democracy.  Shutting down the government, refusing to negotiate with the elected representatives of the other party and trying to ignore the views of 50% of the population across the rest of the country so it is your way or the highway is the style of autocrat's and 3rd world countries.  They may pretend to be 1776 patriots but they are really more believers in the policies of King George III.

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