Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Musings About Words from Conservatives

1st, I am glad John McCain is not President.  His criticism, that even a discussion with the Iranians about the situation with the Sunni Jihadist's in Iraq that we and they oppose, is a bad idea shows how divorced from reality his brain is.  Iran and Turkey are the biggest baddest military in the region and both border Iraq.  Not talking with Iran and Turkey about the situation there would be the equivalent of not speaking with U.S. about a conflict in Mexico or Canada.

2nd, I think the Supreme Court should force the challenge to the Ohio "lying" law to be heard in the court system.  It will be interesting to see if the Supreme Court Justices sanction lying as legally protected language as they have by allowing corporations to be treated as individual citizens.  Being damaged by lying is generally cause for winning civil slander suits.  So you would think a law making lying illegal in election campaigning would be a slam dunk on being constitutional.  Now there is a gray line between interpretation and blatant lying but that would be fact specific and for the justice system to figure out in each specific case.  But it certainly seems reasonable that blatant lying should be discouraged by the legal system and such discouragement within the boundaries of what is constitutional.  If the Robert's Supreme Court upheld lying as constitutional, they would cement themselves as activist judges and really quite radical and subverting.  Something a Supreme Court should not be:  radical and subverting.

3rd, Bret Stephens in the WSJ today comprehensively listed conservative complaints about Obama Administration actions without ever addressing the reality that the military cannot solve civil wars, cannot successfully build a nation where there is ethnic religious diversity that each side will not respect, and is burned out by trying to do just that for 13 years in two countries.  Not to mention that the Republicans have yet to sanction raising revenues to pay for the Borrowed War on Terror.  Hypocrit's!  Cut taxes and raises expenses by starting military action.  That's a fine way to balance the budget.  I am not sure Conservatives deserve that label any more. It is not conservative to sanction lying, it is not conservative to be imprudent about budgets.  I don't know what label would describe them, but conservative is not accurate.

1 comment:

  1. The Iranian government is essentially a terrorist regime bent on the destruction of America. We would talk to them why? Perhaps we should talk to North Korea as well.

    Obama's failed stimulus wasted more money than was spent in Iraq/Afghanistan through 2009.
