This is inspired by the picture of that unfortunate 3 year old who drowned while his parents tried to flee Syria through Turkey and on to the E.U, so their kids could have a better life.
Some problems just have no solutions, they can only be managed on the fringes until either (i) the perceived political cost of the problem becomes greater than the cost of a possible solution or (ii) there is a breakthrough discovery that solves the problem.
Issues which fall into this unfortunate category of problems include:
Global Warming I don't understand how the GOP went from creating Cap & Trade to denying that anything can be done about Global Warming.
Syria and it's migrants, who just want a better life somewhere else, but number too many for the places they want to go. Can you imagine the uproar in America if 5 million people from Central America tried to get to the U.S. all at once and 3 year olds were downing in the Gulf of Mexico or off the Baja. Both the Tea Party and the Liberal Left would be screaming at Washington to find a solution. And I do think Assad is guilty of crimes against humanity for not leading his country to peace. You, would think after all this conflict and failure to govern, he would realize he is not governing, and needs to go. But he clearly lacks either introspection or compassion. Maybe NATO or the U.N.will come up with a solution. All I know for sure is neither Russia, nor China, nor Iran will support anything and they are very important to a global solution.
Guns in America and the NRA The Daily News had nice statistic's showing that loose gun regulation states have more death by guns than tighter gun regulation states. So much for the NRA's belief that its takes a good guy to kill a bad guy and that reduces violence. Meanwhile, both police and young black men have much to fear.
Link to column on how politicians are failing on this issue
Link to Nikki Haley's take on the issue
Serious disease. Fortunately, there is money here and sometimes a breakthrough occurs. The ALS ice bucket challenge was criticized by some, and I was skeptical that science could find anything, but low and behold, today there is a news story that research funded by that additional funding from the ice bucket challenge has discovered a protein that seems to reverse ALS plague buildup in the brains of mice. Since this plaque build up is similar to Alzheimer's, this would be a truly mind blowing development; all built upon research that was speeded up by the funding from the ice bucket challenge.
I am sure there are other issues that fall into this, but I can't think of anymore right now.
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