I agree with RedStateVT's comment: "The Middle East is a Cess Pool. Good Luck figuring it out." Which is why I don't want American boots on the ground.
And who is behind the worst of the worst there. Well, Turkey is worthy of comment even though they probably come in 5th place. But as the former colonial power there, they should be exercising more intelligent use of their power, including supporting the Kurd's who are not terrorists.
Israel, is in 4th place because they have abandoned the moral high ground with the West Bank Settlement's providing the provocation that #'s 3 & 2 use for their sh*tty activities.
The PLO is in 3rd place because through the years they have had the opportunity to do something positive for their people and they have failed to find the security necessary for Israel to trust them and they have failed to accept the compromises that were once available to them from Israel and now they are not available and may not be available. Any solution will have to recognize reality on the ground and that has changed over the last 25 years.
In 2nd place is Iran and it's proxies: Hamas, Hezbollah, and Assad. Nothing more need be said about them. They are prime contributors to the cess pool.
And in 1st place, as Thomas Friedman writes so well today, is Saudi Arabia. Whose promotion of Wahhabism is behind ISIS, AlQaeda and the Taliban. I urge you to click on the link and read how petro dollars that Western economic policy has never tried to curb until recently, combined with Saudi religious policy have created the number 1 enemy to world peace.
Link to Friedman column
And this next link is to a column that highlights how the debate on immigration misses the point and the cost to our moral structure of instituting a Trump vision of border control, which is what existed on the East Germany/West Germany Border during the Cold War. I am pretty sure I still have to convince RedStateVT that there is a better path than the one the GOP is following today.
Link to Column on Immigration
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