Monday, August 31, 2015

Dear Senator McCain

I see you raked the Marines over the coals for not wanting to put boots on the ground to try and defeat ISIS.

Only Muslims can defeat ISIS. If they don't have the will, we cannot help them beyond what air power can do. American boots on the ground would attract Jihadists from all over the world looking for the opportunity to kill Americans. We could kill a lot of them, but there would be a cost, and our only reliable ally on the ground are the Kurds, who are basically an Island, so logistics are not secure.

And this doesn't even get into the policy inconsistency that you, Senator McCain, and other neoconservative hawks have: You wants to isolate Iran on the Nuclear Issue leading to a potential air strike there, but have our troops be their allies on the ground in Iraq and Syria. Do you ever have an introspective moment on what the outcome of all that might be?


A Concerned Citizen

1 comment:

  1. Dear Concerned Citizen: The Middle East is a cesspool. Good luck trying to figure it out!
