Friday, August 28, 2015

Dear GOP

On 9/11/2001, 2977 were killed and we entered the War on Terror and threw in Iraq for good measure, since we were in a war mode and someone convinced us that Sadam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.

Since 12/14/2012, 84,523 Americans have been killed by guns in the U.S.  Yet, you block everything and refuse to negotiate anything.

How can 2977 Deaths generate $2.4 trillion dollars in expenditures and 84,523 deaths cannot even generate some small changes in policy?

That does not strike me as either conservative nor embracing of family values, which includes safety for the citizens of a country.

Why can't the GOP lead on this issue?  The Democrats would support any progress at all.  Doing nothing just isn't right.


A Concerned Citizen

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