And I watch Jon Stewart occasionally.
I believe in a balanced budget and I believe in a strong national defense. There has to be a balance.
I also believe in Keynesian Economics and Monetary Economics. There has to be a balance.
I find war something to be avoided if Diplomacy can solve the problem. I also recognize that we live in a diverse world and that world can effect us. So we have to be pragmatic.
I also believe in Individual Responsibility and Individual Freedom to do what the F*ck I want to as long as I don't disturb someone else. Which is the problem with the NRA, who I ought to agree with, but the failure of gun owners to not disturb the sanctity of other's space prevents me from doing so, and should cause the NRA to change their positions.
This philosophy also means I support the rights of individual to make decisions regarding their health and well being within reason. Some might quarrel with that but I differ as a matter of belief in individual rights.
I also think avoiding global calamity is something to work towards which is why I support efforts to control global warming and diplomacy.
I truly believe all this is consistent with a traditional conservative libertarian point of view and I vote Democratic all the time because the GOP is crazy non-libertarian wanting to dictate how individual people have to live.
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