Saturday, February 20, 2016

Sunday Musings on a Saturday 2/20/16

Some people are bemoaning the collapse in support for Jeb Bush and the rise of Bernie Sanders vs Hillary Clinton.  Regular readers know I have had reservations about both "entitled" candidates since the beginning of the campaign.  It is not that they are not qualified to be President, they most certainly are from the standpoint of having the temperament for the job and the knowledge to handle the myriad issues thrown at them every day.  But they have been on the scene for over 20 years through  their family situations.

Many voters are apparently not doing what I have done, which is reluctantly acknowledge that they are the best choice for putting a responsible person in charge, and instead are rejecting them in the primary preferring to reach for the allure of extremely partisan positions that don't have a chance in hell of getting implemented if the Senate is split within the 55- 45 range as it is almost certainly to be.

This is a very high risk position for both parties, but then the consequences of the next election when it comes to the Supreme Court are very significant so it will be important to rile up the bases and get them to turn out for the election.  But you have to have a candidate who can win the middle while turning out the bases.  I have no idea how the middle of the swing states will split with a 75 year old liberal and a Right Wing Nut Case running to restore the 18th century as our primary reference point for governance.

All I know is the election for the Senate will determine how we are actually governed on most issues and I expect it will not be pretty for the next two to four years, not that this year is going to be any better.

It is enough to make me angry enough to vote for Bernie in a general election and wish Joe Biden had  run. But then he is 73.  Oy Vey!!!!

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