I am not watching much of the GOP convention, nor will I watch much of the Democratic convention. There is only so much one can take of pandering to preconceived notions.
But the news summaries of what is being said in Cleveland by those giving speeches make one thing clear, the GOP is now the party of hatred (I heard a GOP pundit say that on TV). And Trump, with his populism, is risking making conspiracy thinking a legitimate line of thought, when IT IS NOT A LEGITIMATE LINE OF THOUGHT. And once again, he is praising Putin who may be behind the killing of a Russian journalist in Kiev, Ukraine. I have to admit Putin is getting good at this. Unlike the killing of the Russian Oligarch in London, he has plausible deniability so far with this because it happened in another country and the evidence was in a fire.
And Trump is saying he would have to study which NATO countries he thought were worthy of protecting from Russia. He obviously does not understand a nation's obligations to the words that are in Treaty's that they agree to.
The amazing thing about Donald Trump is he has so many thoughts that make him unqualified to be President that a comprehensive list is almost impossible to make up because it would be too long to convince a supporter who just wants to believe what they want to believe. What has happened to so many white people's ability to think and analyze stuff? I know truly conservative people who are appalled by Trump just look at the upcoming Supreme Court openings and say Trump is better than Clinton so you have to make the best of a bad situation. But what about the risks of Trump tearing up any number of treaties and creating chaos is our international relations, both trade and security. That is not a scenario I want my investment portfolio to experience.
And just when will the public demand that Trump release his tax returns? He is running as a successful businessman, what about the official record of that? What is he hiding? And what about Trump University lawsuits? Why did the judge postpone the trial until after the election? A sitting President is going to have to testify in a civil trial and be subject to its outcome? When does the Congress have to get involved in that?
Oy Veh!!!!
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