But the NRA will not hear that or even contemplate the necessity for change.
So both of this week's victims of fearful police were packing lawfully owned concealed weapons and when the possession of the concealed weapons was released to the policeman, his fear overcame his training and he shot the individual dead. What were these victims being investigated for? Selling C.D.'s in a parking lot and a broken tail light. Are those death sentence issues?
While I do believe there are racist police officers (I don't know what else could have motivated the detective in Eric Garner's Staten Island case nor the shooting in the back of the running away man in Charleston, or the assassination of the crazy kid in Chicago), I believe most of these events result from the legitimate fear that police face from the ready availability of weapons that have nothing to do with hunting.
Silly me, my original vision of the NRA was a bunch of hunters, but somewhere along the way that evolved into personal protection. That is why these two men this week had their weapons, but it was no protection against a fearful policeman. So no Black Man should be packing a concealed weapon or for that matter any weapon in public. So the NRA's position that people should be allowed to pack concealed weapons at all times, doesn't apply to African Americans and the Constitution is supposed to be blind to ethnicity and race. And if the Constitution does not apply to all equally, then that policy is not in compliance with the Constitution. So we can have gun controls that are Constitutional because the lack of gun control cannot be applied equally to all in a practical sense.
I feel for those Dallas law enforcement officers and their families. While I castigate police who kill innocent people or deliver a death sentence to a non-death sentence event, I also recognize that police face danger every single day. The police should not have to wonder if the next person they encounter is going to whip out a gun and shoot them. That is why I don't understand why more police don't support gun control. I asked a NYC police officer about that and he said most NYC police officers support gun control, it is police officers in the rest of the country where the risks are seemingly lower that do not.
Which leads me to what motivates terrorism; which is what happened in Dallas last night. 2 or 3 frustrated angry men became militant and used their access to weapons to create a killing field of Dallas police, who when we see their pictures will likely see people of all races. If we are going to protect police, there have to be fewer weapons out there. And if the police do not recognize that violence against a group of people which is seen as out of control and unfair causes frustration, angry and militancy, then they are not seeing the problem clearly.
And all that extrapolates into why we cannot embark upon a crusade against Islam. We need to work with Muslims to put down jihadists and encourage our allies to create economies that work for the entire population. And Saudi Arabia needs to get control of Wahhabism, which is the basis of their culture, which is no easy task, but a critical one if militant Sunnism is to end.
I doubt Donald Trump will ever understand any of this.
But all this is just a product of our modern GOP. Paul Kruger explains in the following link.
Link to Krugman column on Trump enablers
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