Thursday, December 14, 2017

5 Year's After Sandy Hook

I just don't understand.

This country suffers gun violence on such a frequent basis and nothing is being done to address it.

Yes, the Sandy Hook parents are trying to work on educating people about how to identify people at risk of doing such horrible things.  That is good.

But, you can still buy unlimited number and types of weapons in certain states in order to sell them in states where that is not legal.  And the NRA and the GOP want to allow that and concealment of such weapons anywhere including states where it that is illegal.

Why do people need weapons that can be made into machine guns with bump bump stocks?

Why do people who are terrorists, criminals, abusers and other violent people, allowed to buy guns no matter what their personal history?

Why are people allowed to buy semi-automatic weapons that they can adapt to fire faster?

Why are people allowed to buy hand-guns that they can conceal and frighten policeman to the extent that they shoot anybody they fear may have such a gun?  Even when the victim shows no move toward such a weapon.

This Congress will not do anything.  I can only wait for enlightened people to be elected.

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