Sunday, December 10, 2017

Sunday Musings 12/10

Actually today's paper was a very quick uninspiring read.  The themes today were Hate is everywhere and very unproductive.  No one who is hated will have an incentive to listen to the hater to learn anything.  If you want to get someone to see things your way, you have to be respectful of them at all times.

Meanwhile, we have a President who asks people to hate him.  He supports a pedophile for the Senates on the grounds that a pedophile who supports me is better than someone I would have to negotiate with and try to convince  to see things my way.

So I understand all the reasons why Trump and various other people think moving the Embassy to Jerusalem is appropriate.  As much as I think we should have gotten Israel to stop building settlements on The West Bank in return for this, we didn't.  So much for the negotiator in chief being the best negotiator ever.  But I think it is causing the Palestinians to rethink what their goal should be.

They have been aiming for a Two State Solution, but frankly because of Arafat's obstinance and, after his death, general PLO ineptitude, Israel has had sufficient reason to offer nothing serious about a two state solution.  So I think the PLO should simply demand that Israel incorporate the West Bank into Israel and make the Palestinians Israeli citizens with all the rights of citizens.  To me, that is an unthinkable position for Israel to be in because the Palestinians have a much higher birth rate.  But it might force Israel to get serious about a Two State Solution because the current situation is not sustainable over the long run.

For some reason I have a number of readers that come from all over Europe in batches from a single Country.  1st, it was Russia, then Poland, then France, now it is Italy.  I frankly think it is botts from somewhere where illegal things can be gotten away with:  Russia, Kazakstan, etc.

But in case y'all are real readers and are wondering what is going on here in the U.S. with women objecting to be made 2nd class citizens who are objects of desire by men who cannot control themselves, I have the following observation to make.  Since WWII, many women have been raised from childhood to have the belief that they are equal to men in all respects.  And even women in the 1st wave who may have been raised with conflicting messages or even traditional messages, raised the next generation of women to believe they are equal to men in all respects and deserve to be treated that way and not as a sex object.  And with a President who has never understood that, and has violated many women's sense of self, women are tired of being abused and willing to go public with their disgust at what certain men have done to them.  And it does seem that some of these men would possibly have been guilty of rape if the proper steps had been taken at the time.

What is interesting is that the GOP cannot overcome their sense of war with the Democrats to deal with the undesirables in their midst.  They accuse the Democrats of tolerating all sorts of misbehavior but refuse to do anything about bad behavior within their party.

David Brooks Friday column was worth reading for a summary of just how far the GOP has fallen below any resemblance of decency in politics.

Link to "The GOP is Rotting"

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