Thursday, May 2, 2013

Quick thoughts, I am supposed to be working and I am busy.

Just sold my Vimplecoms and need find a Russian asset to replace it.

1.  The additional Marathon Bomber arrests.  I was initially wondering how the younger bombers college friends could be guilty of aiding and abetting.  This is why it pays to reserve judgment.  Now I know they knew their friend was accused, took a text message from him and acted on those instructions  discarding some of his belongings.  That is aiding and abetting.  At the very least they should compensate the authorities for the cost of digging through the garbage dump to find what they discarded.  At the most, they deserve a some time in jail (but hopefully not enough to radicalize them).  On the other hand, these are not the smartest people.  They were driving a car with "Terrorista" on the license plate.  I think UMass Dartmouth needs to review their admission standards.

2.   Pat Toomey, the GOP senator from PA who worked on the Gun Background Check legislation, confirmed that Senators dare not provide a positive vote for anything the President wants or they will face a primary challenge from the Right.  On that basis we will have no progress on anything because the GOP cannot vote for what is right for the country if the President wants it and the Democrats will never support what the GOP wants and the President, in turn, would veto.

3.  Governor Cuomo is power politician.  Well, it isn't pretty, but that is what it takes to run a state with dysfunctional and dishonest legislature.

4.  Everyone is complaining that ObamaCare is raising healthcare costs when all anyone complained about was rising healthcare costs before ObamaCare was even a vision.  Perhaps, ObamaCare has not had a change to work on all aspects and, perhaps, it needs some modifications.

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