I may have used that title before, but it fits here.
I went to a golf simulator and discovered what I already knew. The best golf course for my inability to generate more club speed is The Links in Vermont. But I am not going to move back there for that.
What I really want to write about today is the desire of the Congressional Republicans to prevent the government from operating. The list of things they are doing to retard the never ending need to improve the efficiency of government has become stunning. We have to have a government and it needs to operate efficiently.
In no particular order:
Refusing to vote on any number of administration appointments below the cabinet level.
Refusing to vote on any number of federal appointed judges.
Refusing to allow a conference on the budget to reconcile differences between the House and Senate bills (how does 1 senator do that?)
Refusing to consider technical changes to the Affordable Health Care Act. May I remind my readers that ObamaCare was designed by the Heritage Foundation (now headed by Jim DeMint) and 1st implemented in Massachusetts by Governor Romney. ObamaCare is a Republican Policy and all they want to do is repeal it, rather than work with it. I don't understand what the GOP congress stands for on healthcare.
I am sure there are other things the Congress is not doing, but those are the big ones.
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