for me to break my pledge. The pledge not to write run-on sentences about politics.
One irony of the GOP glee at trying to make major scandals out of the editing of talking points, a GOP appointed IRS guy doing the Democrats dirty work of trying to determine if political organizations are political or societal serving organizations which is a legitimate IRS decision (the IRS did get over zealous, but it was a GOP guy in charge), and the Administrative Branch trying to find who leaked something that was still TOP SECRET is the following:
I know you forgot the beginning.
One irony of all this is it will kill any chance of a grand bargain on the budget. The GOP won't agree to revenue raises. The Democrats will not agree to entitlement cuts. No one will get appointed to any job that requires Senate approval and that will fix the budget deficit (GDP growth will help too) because no one will be collecting paychecks from doing necessary jobs.
Then the Democrats get to run on we fixed the budget deficit without cutting spending so the voters can have their Social Security and Medicare with no changes. Then the baby boomers will start collecting and buy that no changes are necessary. And we will have a financial disaster in 10 to 15 years with only tax raises as a feasible solution. Contemplate that RedStateVT.
Duly contemplated. Nice try pinning the IRS scandal on a Republican. The good news is that there are now so many Obama scandals to choose from. Don't like the IRS scandal? Try Benghazi? Old news? Pivot to the AP scandal. Tax increases are never the solution. Cutting spending is always the answer.