Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Musings on a Tuesday

I am a bit bored at work today and just finished reading an article on the worst college majors to find a job.  This was based upon an analysis of what majors underemployed college graduates had.   #1 was business majors because there are more graduates than jobs.  #10 was economics for similar reasons.  I between were some useful majors and the long much maligned English major, along with a few other traditionally tough to find work majors.  No where did the article  discuss the need for the student to excel in their academic career.  You can major in anything and if you excel and get a broad based generalist education, you will have the skills to succeed with benefit of a graduate degree and hard work.  This is the downside of Yahoo's need to find articles that people will click on so they get paid by advertisers.  There was nothing of value in this article, but I clicked on it out of curiosity.

In a similar vein, Sarah Palin has resigned with Fox to be a commentator.  She clearly enjoys the limelight even if she has no desire to work as a politician again.  It is much easier to be a talking head on TV, as long as you have fans to boost the ratings and get the advertisers to pay.

I think the there is way too much advertising in this world and not enough analysis.  But then, Yahoo articles might not be free and how would I spend my "boredom" time?  You get what you pay for.

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