Thursday, June 6, 2013

Quick Thoughts on a Thursday

I heard an interesting story on an economic news story.  It turns out that there is now some statistical study (I am well aware that statistical studies can be manipulated to show anything, so I hope someone will test the details of this.) that shows states get more economic improvement from $ spent on pre-school education than on tax subsidies to lure/maintain businesses in the state.  I used to support both, but this now fits my view.  Spend available $ on pre-school education and level taxes for all businesses  so the state is competitive with near-by states.

Meanwhile, the local news is all over the Scarsdale Mom who was arrested for being a big time pot farmer.  She doesn't get an A+ for intelligence.  After her business partners were arrested, the police looked at their Facebook pages and found out she was a friend of both and a co-habitor with one.  So rather than lay low, the police were able to follow her directly to the warehouse where her "farm" was.  I hope she has a good stash to support herself in jail.  Meanwhile, I wonder what will happen to her school age kids.  There doesn't appear to be any father in the picture.


  1. Head Start programs have been shown - time after time - to be a waste of money.

    1. It would be nice to see an analysis by someone other than the Heritage Foundation. They no longer have any credibility having disowned ObamaCare which they designed and produced a study of immigration costs that has been discredited as well.
