When you form a corporation you are forming a legal entity that is distinct from that of any employee and any owner in terms of liability. There is every reason to believe that legal distinction should also pertain to religion. In other words, a corporation should not have a religious identity.
Why? The reason is that in any lawsuit the court now has the burden of separating real religious belief's from pretend religious belief's that are aimed at taking advantage of some perceived economic benefit.
This introduces religion into the legal process, somewhere it has never been before except as a protected social process that is outside the legal process and protected by the legal process. Now the courts will have to develop standards about sincerity of belief or otherwise protected processes under the ACA will be subject to discrimination by people pretending to believers.
The courts are suddenly in the business of measuring religious sincerity. That is no where a court should be and the reason corporations should not have religious beliefs.
Not to mention, if you are hiring employees of all faiths and have customers of all faiths, why would you want to offend them.
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