My Russian reader must have been on vacation. 21 reads today from Russia. Where, oh where is my Ukrainian reader. I hope he/she is not in harms way fighting the KGB in Donetsk.
Anyway, my only muse of the day is that when you are retired you need to fight the urge to be on this damn laptop all day following the news everywhere when I could be reading a good book about what Afghanistan used to be like. I failed today, hitting on whatever links and playing much to much electronic card games. I am still a world class competitor in achieving fewest moves in winning solitaire games.
Tomorrow, no laptop as I have an early tee time and then I will work on my last course in Financial Planning. I can kick this addictive habit and just need to plan my trip to Colorado and, more importantly, back without being stopped by the law, so I can resume my old habit that I stopped 31 years ago. I am sure I would be more productive smoking weed than I am pounding this key board.
As for Israel in Gaza, I hold no sympathy for terrorists and Hamas is a terrorist organization. But Israel is supposed to be the responsible party and not be pumping artillery shells into UN buildings holding refugees. To Israel, blow up the tunnels, kill a few terrorists, and get the f**k out. You are losing the global publicity battle even though you are in the right. A billion people out there root for the underdog no matter how in the wrong the underdog is. Only the U.S., Russia and China can defend themselves from a billion people hating them.
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