Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Hobby Lobby

I have no idea what is in these stores as they have none in Westchester.

I also don't have strong feelings about Drug Insurance covering Contraception, but it would seem like an inexpensive solution to unwanted pregnancies and lower the cost curve which is what every one should be working on.  So I am for it.

But I do have concerns about where Freedom of Religion is going and a writer with far better use of words than I has written a Huffington Post column that I will quote and link to below.

Link to Column

"To give you an idea of why this is such a terrible precedent, allow me to present myself. I am a married mother of three. An accomplished crafter. An SAIC-educated artist. A DIYer. I am exactly who Hobby Lobby wants shopping at their store. And I am also who they want to work for them."
"Most of the people behind the anti-abortion movement consider themselves religious. And the anti-abortion movement and the anti-contraception movement are closely linked. It seems like madness, but it's true. Because in both of these cases, the philosophical center of the debate is women daring to have sex for pleasure. If they get pregnant and need an abortion, they're evil, selfish, sinning harlots. If they don't get pregnant because they successfully use contraception, they're evil, selfish, sinning harlots."
"Now Hobby Lobby, who claims deep religious beliefs, says it's an infringement on their freedom of religion to support those evil, selfish, sinning harlots if it provides them with a third party insurance plan that includes birth control."
"The fact is that about 99% of women in the U.S. have used contraceptives. Married women are among the most reliable users of the pill. Working women rely on the pill."
"Hobby Lobby, who says its deep religious beliefs are behind this legal action, wants to make sure women follow its Christian values. But I don't have Christian values. In fact, as a Jew, it is essential to me that I take contraception."
"The most important law in all of Judaism is to do what you must "in order to preserve life." You can eat any non-kosher food, break the Sabbath, anything -- IF it preserves life. For me, contraceptives preserve life."
"Now that Hobby Lobby has the right to deny me my legal protections because of their religion, I might be fired for taking off Jewish holidays. Or if I skipped shul and went to work on Yom Kippur, I could be fired for refusing to take my lunch break, what with my fasting and all."
"Now Hobby Lobby has opened a door that MUST be closed: the elevation of one religion over another."
"Now that the Supreme Court has ruled that Hobby Lobby has the right to ignore federal laws under the guise of religious persecution, it's open season on non-Christians in the workplace."

There is no War on Christian's in this country.  It is certain elements of practitioners of Christianity in this country that are waging a War on the Rights of Others (of all other religions and beliefs) to have equal protection under the law.  As another proof point, a Catholic GOP County Chairman in Kansas has called for the excommunication of the Catholic Democratic candidate for Congress because she is pro-choice.  If that is an issue for any party, it is her pastor and his parishioner.  Not an outsider.

I just don't understand what has happened to religion in this country.  When I was growing up in my small town, those who cared went to the church of their choice and didn't broadcast it because it was their private act.  Those who didn't go to church didn't broadcast it, they just went about their business because it was their private act.  Politics were focused on economic issues and protecting civil rights.  Not persecuting people of other beliefs.
And the scary thing is that it was just sanctioned by the Supreme Court.

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