Sunday, August 10, 2014

NRA is Responsible for the Kid's on the Border

I kid you not.  1/3 of the guns that are confiscated from bad guys in Nicaragua, Honduras and El Salvador can be traced back to U.S. gun shops.  And I bet you that the guys who manage to not get caught have an even higher percentage of U.S. guns because they are undoubtedly smarter than the guys who get caught.

One gun made the trip from the U.S. to a crime to being confiscated in 6 days.  Open sales in the U.S., without background checks and checking for straw purchases, are fueling the violence in Central America and driving the children to the U.S. border.  So the NRA, backed but funding from the gun and ammunition companies, fighting background checks and prohibiting straw purchase (and automatic weapons for that matter) are directly responsible for the increase in violence in Central America.  So basically, the Central American violence is all about the profitability of the U.S. gun industry and that is what the NRA is really all about since no one wants to take any normal hunting weapon away from any gun owner.

Now, I will admit that U.S. consumption of illegal drugs is providing the money to pay for these guns, but that has been written about in past postings here.

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