I have been concerned about micro-beads every since I first heard of them a few months ago. They are microscopic pieces of plastic that are put into things like toothpaste, body wash and shampoo. They are so small they wash into the sewer system, don't get taken out of the water in the sewage treatment plant and go into the ocean and rivers, where they are consumed by fish and any humans that get their drinking water from such a river or desalination plant.
I don't know about you, but I try not to eat plastic because plastic comes from oil and natural gas and probably causes cancer if you get enough of it in your body for a long enough time. So I applaud the states that are trying to limit the use of these micro-beads and wonder where the EPA has been on this issue since clean water is on their watch.
Of course, if the GOP had their way, there would be no EPA and business would be free to put whatever they want to in the water that we drink, enjoy swimming in, and use to hydrate our food supply. And I believe business would put everything they could into the water because to do otherwise reduces profits. And that is why Richard Nixon created the EPA.
Meanwhile, our "we do not lead, we follow the masses", Congress is failing to reauthorize one of the most effective tools we have to monitor terrorists, their use of social media and email and phone calls. Anyone who believes the NSA is following their boring daily activity if they are not using the buzz words that terrorists use is a conspiracy theorist who is ignoring the simple logistical hurdle that following millions of people without screening for what you are looking for is impossible.
So since I am mentioning terrorism in this blog, they might read it, but then they will realize that I am not a threat and I am not supporting terrorism in any way. What the bleep should I care if they read this? And why is the Congress not trying to educate the public about why this monitoring is good for American and not a threat to our civil liberties.
What is a threat to our civil liberties and happiness is the complete and utter b*llSh*t that comes out of the Tea Party wing of the GOP and wants to end the EPA, the NSA, and the Ex-Im Bank, not to mention Heritage Foundation/Romney/ObamaCare, Medicare, medicaid and Social Security.
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