Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Tuesday Cinco de Maya Musings

I had some mediocre Mexican last night to celebrate a day early.  They were out of guacamole and my choices went down from there.

Anyway, more NY State pelicans are now under indictment and the extensiveness of this illegality across both parties is stunning.  We all know about power hungry greedy Sheldon Silver's corruption but just to balance the stench, we now find out that the GOP Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos was using his office to have supported pay money to his son for virtually nothing other than the father son relationship.  And the #2 Republican in the Senate can't even be a candidate to move up because Thomas Libous of Binghamton is facing federal indictment.  The last GOP Senate Leader was indicted also, but he was from Albany and they couldn't get an Albany jury to convict him.  Why do NY voters keep electing these crooks?  And NYC is even worse with idiots on the NYC Council.  The Daily News ripped the Democratic candidate again in the Statin Island Congressional District saying he was vague and made no sense when answering their questions.  The last candidate was termed the most unqualified person they had ever met with running for Congress.  And both are/were NYC Councilmen.

Meanwhile, over in Israel, even African Jews (from Ethiopia some 20 years ago in an airlift that got a lot of publicity) who are in the Army fighting terrorists cannot escape the racism of the hardcore conservative Jews in Israel.  What chance to Arabs have in dealing and living with them?

And when the bad guys in the U.S. like these Jihadist terrrorists from Arizona can legally buy body armor and automatic weapons for an attack on police forces guarding a bunch of idiots practicing their rights to free speech and insulting Islam, you have to wonder why the NRA thinks it is a good idea for everyone to have access to body armor and automatic weapons.  What if they had chosen to attack a softer target that was not guarded?  Carnage would have been the result!

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