Monday, January 18, 2016

A Realistic Agenda for Liberals and a Dead Philosopher on Refugees

Paul Krugman explains reality in the U.S. politics for Liberals.

Link to column

And this piece discusses the purpose of life and why/how/should one receive refugees and migrants.  I have to admit, my eyes started to glaze over in the middle but the Philosopher survived WWII as a Jew in a POW camp, lost his family to the Concentration Camps, and still found meaning in life afterward.  I didn't study much Philosophy in college and didn't take very well to what I was introduced to, but I have much more respect for it than many of U.S. conservatives who don't seem to think Philosophy has any value.

And the column was written by an Estonian, and my last post has had over 80 reads in Poland and I hope some of those people come back and read me again.  To the People in Poland and Russia who read this column, I am your fellow.  My Great Grandmother got tired of the Pogrom's in Yiddish Land (now the NW Ukraine not far from the Poland border) and brought my grandfather to NY saving my gene pool from Hitler.

Link to "What Do We Owe Each Other"

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