Friday, January 8, 2016

The U.S. Cannot Take Sides in the Sunni Shiite Civil War

The gung ho send the military everywhere GOP needs to remember that when the U.S. invaded Iraq and toppled Saddam Hussein, it empowered the Shiites and we need the Shiites do counter ISIS/Al Qaeda who are Sunni Radicals and dedicated to over throwing regimes friendly to the U.S. even though residents of those countries are funding the terrorist organizations.

And there will be no peace in the Israeli Palestinian confrontation unless we can cajole Iran into better behavior and get Israel to give up the Settlements on the West Bank.

Inspired by the following column.

Link to column

1 comment:

  1. The "cajole" thing does not work with Iran. Obama tried to cajole them with a nuclear deal. They took their billions in frozen assets and promptly stuck their finger in his eye.
